Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Direct and Indirect Speech

Name : Herdila Septiaruwina/14214930
Class : 1 EA 10

Direct and Indirect Speech

There two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by a person to other person.
  1.  Direct speech
  2.  Indirect speech
Suppose your friend whose name is Andra tells you in school, “I will give you a book”. You come to home and you want to tell your brother what your friend told you. There are two ways to tell him.

Direct speech: 
Andra said, “I will give you a book”.
Indirect Speech: Andra said that he would give me a book.

In direct speech the original words of person are narrated (no change is made) and are enclosed in quotation mark. While in indirect speech some changes are made in original words of the person because these words have been uttered in past so the tense will change accordingly and pronoun may also be changed accordingly. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks, the word “that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech.  Indirect speech is also called reported speech because reported speech refers to the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person.
Reporting verb: The verb first part of sentence (i.e. he said, she said, he says, they said, she says,) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.
Examples. In all of the following example the reporting verb is “said”.
              He said, “I work in a restaurant”                                (Direct speech)
              He said that he worked in a restaurant.                      (Indirect speech)
              They said, “we are going to the swimming pool”      (Direct speech)
              They said that they were going to swimming pool.    (Indirect speech)

Indirect / Reported Speech. The second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person (which is enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is called reported speech. For example, a sentence of indirect speech is, He said that he worked in a factory. In this sentence the second part “he worked in a factory” is called reported speech and that is why the indirect speech as a whole can also be called reported speech.

Question :
1.     1.  My car was stolen a few weeks ago
2.     2.  I want to go on holiday but I can’t afford it

Answer :
1.    1.   He said that his car had stolen a few weeks ago
2.    2.   He said that he want to gone on holiday but he can’t afford it

Kelompok : 5
1. Betyeka A.R (12214150)
2. Herdila Septiaruwina (14214930)
3. M. Harits Azzindani (17214296)
4. Nabila Natasha (17214705)
5. Sukini Nihardja (1A214499)

6. Putriani Utami